Tuesday, March 1

Chapter 6

"How do companies sell their Cd's?"

It wasn't a question out of the book but Dr. Nelson asked it in class, so I thought I would write about it.

I know when I was younger and used to actually buy Cd's the artist sold the Cd for me lol I didn't really know what I was getting until I brought the Cd. I've never really been that into music so when I bought a Cd it had to be by someone I really liked. Then the extra stuff that came with it just made it a million times better. If I know that I can a poster of someone that doesn't make me want to go buy the Cd in the stores. I mean can download the Cd to my IPod or a disc and then just go buy a poster from the store. That seems like its a lot cheaper any ways. I think in order to make people want to buy Cd's they have to know that they are missing out on something. Like someone in the class mentioned a lot Cd's have bonus tracks which makes people want them a little more but as also mentioned in class you can probably get those bonus tracks somewhere else. If companies can some hoe keep these songs/tracks off the internet the Cd sales could possibly go up.

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