Monday, March 28

Chapter 9

"What are some new Web technologies?"

Facebook and Twitter are probably the most popular new web technologies. Im sure that most of the world has a facebook or twitter account or both. Even if they only use them every blue moon, but I know my generation uses one or the other on a daily basis. It is the easiest most popular way to communicate with people. Then there is Skype, it might not be as popular as the other two but people still use it. It is used more by people who are far away from home who cant see their family on a regular basis. Then you have all these new online dating sites for gays, lesbians, old people, black people, christians, etc. There is a dating site for anyone taht is looking for one and the more you want to be specific the more specific sites there are for you. Its crazy all the online dating sites that there are now.

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