Monday, March 28

Chapter 9

"What makes a good Web page design?"

The first thing that interests me in a web site is the font size and type on the page; if it's to hard for me to read I will just leave the page even if the information was perfect for waht I was looking for. Then the other thing for me is the colors on the page. The colors have to accent each other; you shouldnt have a yellow background with white letters. Those colors dont go very well together but if you have a black background with white letters that goes better and is a lot easier to read. Pictures on the page is a big one for me. When I read my mind and eyes wonder a lot so if there is pictures or video on the website I wont really read what the words say becasise I will be to side tracked by the other stuff. So for me pictures and videos should be kept to a minimum and only used of they are really need.

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