Monday, March 28

Chapter 9

"What makes a good Web page design?"

The first thing that interests me in a web site is the font size and type on the page; if it's to hard for me to read I will just leave the page even if the information was perfect for waht I was looking for. Then the other thing for me is the colors on the page. The colors have to accent each other; you shouldnt have a yellow background with white letters. Those colors dont go very well together but if you have a black background with white letters that goes better and is a lot easier to read. Pictures on the page is a big one for me. When I read my mind and eyes wonder a lot so if there is pictures or video on the website I wont really read what the words say becasise I will be to side tracked by the other stuff. So for me pictures and videos should be kept to a minimum and only used of they are really need.

Chapter 9

"What are some new Web technologies?"

Facebook and Twitter are probably the most popular new web technologies. Im sure that most of the world has a facebook or twitter account or both. Even if they only use them every blue moon, but I know my generation uses one or the other on a daily basis. It is the easiest most popular way to communicate with people. Then there is Skype, it might not be as popular as the other two but people still use it. It is used more by people who are far away from home who cant see their family on a regular basis. Then you have all these new online dating sites for gays, lesbians, old people, black people, christians, etc. There is a dating site for anyone taht is looking for one and the more you want to be specific the more specific sites there are for you. Its crazy all the online dating sites that there are now.

Friday, March 25

Class Discussion

It looked like most people had some form of Netflix whether it was on the PS3 or the XBox. So therefore many people spend most of their time atching TV online. It seemed like everyone watches way more TV than I do and I though I watched a lot of TV. They have thei shows that come on at specific times and watch them like I heard a few people mention the series Heros. I think I watched half of a show. The few people that had DVR ot Tvio didnt really use it much, I think one person said that they used it when they would miss a show because of class or something and i think someone said DVR was to time consuming. That was the first person I heard say that; most other people I talk to love their DVR. Maybe I will actually have to use mine and see what its all about.

Tuesday, March 22

Chapter 8

Why are there so many reality shows on TV these days?

There are so many reality TV shows on TV because that is what is attracting people.We love to watch the misery, romance, joy and conflict in other people's lives. Watching other people suffer and live is a lot easier for us to sswallow than having to deal with our own lives. When we can get away from reality we do; its just something about other people's lives that draw us in. We especially love the drama other other people's lives and these directors know that and are feeding off of that. For example in shows like Bad Girl's Club your not aloowed to fight and that show is a few years old now but in Jersey Shore they can fight. Jersey Shore is finishing up two years this fall. Just the whole dynamic of reality TV is changing and that is entertaining to us.

Chapter 7

What movie genres are most dominant now?

Movies about killing are very popular among young adults. For some reason we are drawn to these movies; they are entertaining. I know when I watch them I am both disgusted and curious; I am curious as to how someone can come up with some of the plots that they come up with for example the Saw series. What type of human writes that and what of human enjoys that are the top questions I ask myself. But I enjoy the movies so I don't think to much about it. Then there are cartoon movies that are very popular. More children are going to the theatres and more adults are watching cartoon movies in the theatres because their young children. These two genres balance themselves out on two different extremes; one is extremely high (cartoon movies) which still have some violence in them and one is extremely low (horror movies).

Tuesday, March 15


I have always enjoyed watching movies. Ever since I was a little girl; the Lion King was the first movie I can remember ever watching, but my parents used to say I loved to be in front of the TV. Now I prefer to watch more cartoon movies than anything. But the one other type of movie that has my attention is horror movies, especially the Saw series. I have watched every movies from that series and every Halloween since they started coming out I have went to the movie theatre to see them. I don't know why I like them so much they just have my attention. As far as buying movies from the store recently I have been into buying them but only way I buy them is if I see them before and really like it. I get boot-legged videos from back home to watch first then I decide if its a movie that I want.

Tuesday, March 1

Chapter 6

"How do companies sell their Cd's?"

It wasn't a question out of the book but Dr. Nelson asked it in class, so I thought I would write about it.

I know when I was younger and used to actually buy Cd's the artist sold the Cd for me lol I didn't really know what I was getting until I brought the Cd. I've never really been that into music so when I bought a Cd it had to be by someone I really liked. Then the extra stuff that came with it just made it a million times better. If I know that I can a poster of someone that doesn't make me want to go buy the Cd in the stores. I mean can download the Cd to my IPod or a disc and then just go buy a poster from the store. That seems like its a lot cheaper any ways. I think in order to make people want to buy Cd's they have to know that they are missing out on something. Like someone in the class mentioned a lot Cd's have bonus tracks which makes people want them a little more but as also mentioned in class you can probably get those bonus tracks somewhere else. If companies can some hoe keep these songs/tracks off the internet the Cd sales could possibly go up.