Wednesday, February 9



This story is pretty interesting. Maybe not the story itself but the graphics behind the story is probably what interested me the most. The story was about an old man that was a pilot during one of the wars and how much he loved dong that. His daughter really looked up to him when she was a little girl; not so much anymore, she is more focused on her children. Her father is going deaf and refuses to get a hearing aid; therefore, he is usually cranky and angry because he cant hear a lot of things and doesn't understand a lot of what is going on because of it. He is so bent on the old days and how things used to be that he seems to be really angry with his daughters children. Its like he wont come to reality and never does.

The site was really fun to navigate through only thing was that the information you were reading was out of order, or atleast I did not know the order to read it on. Each page had about five swirly things on it, each swirly thing had a little story on it. With each story there was music to match the topic and pictures flying across the screen. For example it talked about a guy being trapped in a burning plane, so they had flames of fire show up on the screen and the sound of a fire truck in the background.

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