Saturday, February 26

Chapter 6

"What are the limits on freedom of speech in radio broadcasts?"

Today there really aren't any limits on freedom of speech in radio today. People can pretty much say anything they want on the radio and be protect by the First Amendment. It doesn't really matter if it is true or false, good or bad they say it. I mean somethings aren't supposed to be said but the radio stations don't care. Many people don't care, anything to get a little publicity and attention. There aren't really any real morals for a lot of people today. It is kind of sickening to hear some of these radio stations and their topics. I only listen to the radio when there is music playing when anything else comes on I put my Cd's in. My IPod has become my best friend because I don't like the contest and conversations that they have on the radio. So, I don't think that there are any limitations.

Monday, February 21

Chapter 5

"How can listening to music by others help us to understand them?"

I think that a lot of people who write their own songs tell stories all the time of their life. The music they write usually has a deeper meaning than we as people think. But if you listen to the lyrics by artist who write their own music you can really understand them. I'm not saying that they absolutely have to write their own music to get to understand them but it makes it a little easier. When they perform what other people write you are usually getting the feelings of the person who wrote it. We just have to really pay attention to the messages given to us by artists because a lot of people just listen to the music because the artist or the beat. In order to better understand them you have to make a real effort to understand them. People have to really understand that they are human and they have issues in the past and present time that people face everyday. That's another way for us to better understand the artists that entertain us.

Sunday, February 20

Chapter 5

"Who controls the music?"

Yea the people who produce and publicize the music have some control over the music industry and what type of music gets populated to us. In the end we the people control the types of music listened to. For example there was a radio station back home that didn't play nothing but rap, hip hop and R&B but once people started complaining that they didn't hear their "songs/music" on the radio it became a radio station that plays all types of music. We decide what kind of songs for artist to create by the reactions to the songs that are out there already. The more different people are the more we seem to like them. This is just fine because there are more people now in the world willing to be different than before, so they artist kind of feed of this too. Artist have a little control in the music because they have to perform it but they always keep in mind how the audience is going to react to their music.

Chapter 4

"What is the impact of Internet on newspaper?"

Newspapers are using the internet to make more money on their papers. For example the New York Times used to charge you to use their newspaper online. You could preview the articles but eventually you would have to subscribe to their paper to get the whole article. The internet makes obtaining the information from the paper easier and more convenient for those who use the internet everyday. For example the Argus Leader has an online paper too and you don't have to subscribe to it to get the information, so for people who don't have time to stop at the store they can just go online. This can be a good and a bad thing. This means that more people are spending more time in front of the computer which can be just as bad as sitting in front of a TV all day. On the other had since out society is becoming so computer based it it kind of good because it will help people to learn to navigate the web.

Tuesday, February 15

Argus Leader Comparison...

There were more advertisings in the actual paper then there were on the website. I liked how the website had their topics in the papers across the top that you could just click on to go to, but in the newspaper you have to look all through the paper to find what you were looking for. You could sign up for an account if you wanted so that you can get all the news at your finger tips, instead of having to go into the store to buy the paper. I liked how you if you hung over the news, sports, voice, etc. links it showed you a few of the articles and a picture to go along with one of the articles, which was kind of like the actual paper. I think that the paper and site were a lot alike and carried a lot of the same information, the website was just a little more fun to go through.

Monday, February 14


When I was in the fifth or six grade is probably when I first used a newspaper. We had to do an assignment on the sunrise and sunset for my science class so I had to go out everyday and buy one. As far as the articles in the newspapers I do not think that I have ever read an article in one. If I pick the paper up back home it is strictly to look up basketball game statistics from the night before. I enjoy reading most of the time but I cannot pick up a newspaper for whatever reason and just read it. As far as my experience with them I have been in the newspaper at least once a year since my senior year of high school, only for basketball though. I don't ever read those articles either I just make sure to grab them do that I can give them to my mom; she likes to make scrap books and stuff like that out of them. But I don't pick up newspapers enough to know what has changed and how they have changed over the years.

Wednesday, February 9



This story is pretty interesting. Maybe not the story itself but the graphics behind the story is probably what interested me the most. The story was about an old man that was a pilot during one of the wars and how much he loved dong that. His daughter really looked up to him when she was a little girl; not so much anymore, she is more focused on her children. Her father is going deaf and refuses to get a hearing aid; therefore, he is usually cranky and angry because he cant hear a lot of things and doesn't understand a lot of what is going on because of it. He is so bent on the old days and how things used to be that he seems to be really angry with his daughters children. Its like he wont come to reality and never does.

The site was really fun to navigate through only thing was that the information you were reading was out of order, or atleast I did not know the order to read it on. Each page had about five swirly things on it, each swirly thing had a little story on it. With each story there was music to match the topic and pictures flying across the screen. For example it talked about a guy being trapped in a burning plane, so they had flames of fire show up on the screen and the sound of a fire truck in the background.

Monday, February 7

Chapter 3

"How is technology changing the way print media is produced, distributed and read? Is this a good thing?"

Technology is making things a little more accesible by everyone. People do not have to go to stored to find the books they are looking for. For instance if someone wants a cook book all they have to do is go online and they can order it from there. Even better most places give you the option of having a copy mailed to you or allowing you to download it to your computer.

Chapter 3

"What is a recent trend in magazine delivery?"

Magazines are being delivered in many different ways. The most popular are through subscriptions and buying them in your grocery store or markets. Although those are the most popular many people are buying magazines electronically; lots of people are just going on their ebooks and purchasing them. This is much more convenient than having to go to the store everyday to buy a magazine or waiting once a month for your subscription to be delivered. Ebooks are much more efficient and much less time consuming; you can also save money this way by avoiding having to use gas to go to the store and a lot of times the magazines are the same price or cheaper on the ebook.

Thursday, February 3

Chapter 2

How do genres develop?

People develop the different genres. Without us there arent any genres. When different trends come about and get picked up on different genres are created. When people arent afraid to be different, genres are born. Its pretty fun trying to create new norms. And everyone's norms are different which makes it even more fun to watch as they grow. The thing that makes it even better is that people create their own genre. For example my friend is skinny and really cocky so he walks arounf talking about he has skinny boy swag. That is his genre when he describes himself thats how he describes himself. I dont know its different for everyone, but if you really watch its fun to watch as well.

Chapter 2

"What are the main social functions of the mass media"?

The mass media is used to lure people in. With the mass media more people are watching witch is giving these companies more target people and with more target people there are more people that could actually want the product. The mass media is also used between conversation. If someone sees something on TV or heard something on the radio that they liked they are more likely to mention it to their friends then people who don't. The mass media is used to inform people and with this information more information travels between companies and people.

Tuesday, February 1

Assignment 1

My way of writing English For New Media Assignment...
Hope you like it, it was kind of fun to make. It took me a while to find everything that I needed for each letter. Then finding a place to put the camera was even harder lol But I finally figured it out. And this is what I came up with.