Tuesday, April 26

Chapter 13

What impact has video game play had in your life?

I don't play them every day but I play a lot. Once I find a game that I really I can sit down and play it all day. I love playing video games, especially by myself. They give me time to just relax; when I'm playing I don't really think about anything else. Once basketball started getting tiring I played a lot less but I still bought games and stuff. So I would say that video games play a big role in my life. I don't have to play every day but I do need them to try to keep me a little sane. They also make it a little easier to interact with guys because they play them so often.

Monday, April 25

Chapter 10

"What are the key elements to successful public relations?"

I think that picking your targets is the most important key to public relations. You have to be able to sell your product, wheter it be a person  or an actual product. If people dont want to buy it then your out of a job. Then actually making people aware of the project is anther key elements in public relations. If people dont know that a product is being sold then there is nothing to be bought. Actaully making people want to buy your product is difficult too.

Chapter 10

"Will there be continued need for public relations? Explain your position."

Yes there will be a contunious need for public relations because someone will always need for someone to be "sold". Public relations open peoples eyes to the things around them and the things that could be valuable to their lives. Without public relations jobs are going to go down and umemployment rates are going to go up; our economy cant afford that. So there may not be a high demand for public relations like there is for a doctor or lawyer but they are needed. As much as people wont admit it them will continue to be used no matter how good or bad they are becuase our society needs any type of publicity it can get.

Monday, April 18

Chapter 8

How can we clean up violence and sex on television?

I honeslty dont know if it can be cleaned up because we are so programed and used to it. As sick as it sounds that is a very true statement. I think that we can attempt to change that by keeping it away from our younger generation. We have to stop allowing the children to play violent video games and watching violent TV shows, but whne you think about it even their kid shows have violence in them/ For example, figting over a toy or something, yes that give them greta ways of handling the sitaution but that doesnt take from the fact thta kids shows are supposed to be violence free.

Video Games

The very first video game I remember playing was the Nintendo 64. Me and my little sisters would rush home from school just to play Donkey Kong on it for hours. Then as we got a little older we got a PlayStation and we played Crash on the for hours a day. We eventually got a PlayStation 2 and a Sega Dream Cast, but we didn't play them nearly as long as the other two games. We had fun playing all of them though.